
Bullet Weight Pick | Why Use Color-Matched Tungsten - Wired2Fish

While a wide range of  bass fishing weights  are available, the bullet weight is the most widely used for a range of applications. Pro bass angler Scott Suggs discusses the shift from traditional lead to tungsten weights, stressing the importance of matching the weight color to the plastic bait for an enhanced natural appearance and increased success.

Suggs reminisces about his early days of Texas rig fishing with lead weights, which didn’t color-match his plastics. However, he notes that fishing pressure was less intense in those times. The color mismatch didn’t impact success as much. In the present day, with increased fishing pressure, Suggs stresses the benefits of switching to tungsten bullet weights. He explains how these weights come in various colors so anglers to match them with their chosen plastic bait accurately. Round Bead

Bullet Weight Pick | Why Use Color-Matched Tungsten - Wired2Fish

From green pumpkin and watermelon red to black, blue, and strawberry, Suggs goes through a range of weight colors, emphasizing the importance of color matching for an authentic, natural look that appeals to bass. He also points out that these weights are available in various sizes, suited to different needs, such as punching through cover.

Suggs reveals his favorite for summertime Texas rig fishing: a red plastic paired with a red tungsten bullet weight. He explains how the red bullet weight color complements any red plastics used and adds an appealing shine  when hopping a worm, making it a go-to choice regardless of where in the country he’s fishing.

Bullet Weight Pick | Why Use Color-Matched Tungsten - Wired2Fish

Rivet Nut Insert Suggs points out another benefit: environmental friendliness by opting for tungsten over lead weights. He ends the video by emphasizing his practice of always matching his tungsten weight to the plastic bait he uses, a strategy he believes has significantly improved his Texas rig and Carolina rig fishing experiences.