Over the years, it has become easier to find denim fabrics containing TENCEL™ Lyocell or Modal as mills scale up their use of these fibers to meet sustainability, design or performance characteristics.
Adding TENCEL™ to denim creates textiles that are soft and comfortable, with a smaller ecological impact. The fibers can also create a variety of looks—from a subtle sheen to matte and slubby. Carved in Blue connected with mills in Pakistan to discuss how they are using TENCEL™ and what to expect from their upcoming lines. Read on to hear from AGI Denim, Artistic Denim Mills, Artistic Fabric Mills, Artistic Milliners, Crescent Bahuman Limited and Diamond Denim. Lyocell Cotton Fabric

Read more on Carved in Blue.
This article is one of a series on Rivet from Lenzing’s Carved in Blue denim blog. From conversations with the experts behind the mills that make some of the world’s most-wanted denim to the global brands bringing novel denim made with TENCEL™ Lyocell and Modal to the market, Carved in Blue shares the stories of those whose roots run deep with denim. Visit www.carvedinblue.tencel.com.

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