Elf Bar is changing the brand name on its products sold in the United States to EBDESIGN after a federal judge ordered the company to stop using the ELFBAR name until a trademark dispute is decided.
EBDESIGN-branded products will arrive in the U.S. soon after March 10. Product model numbers will remain the same, as will the appearance of the devices. Model numbers will be more prominent on the devices and packaging, and the brand name will be smaller. Blackberry Pomegranate Cherry E-Cigarette

Beware of ELFBAR-branded products still being sold in stores. They could be fake (or counterfeit) Elf Bars.
The Elf Bar charging instructions are as follows:
Did you know that “Elf Bar” is a brand? Though Elf Bar’s first disposable was called the “Elf Bar,” the brand name is responsible for dozens of different products, from some of the best disposables, to pod vapes and e-liquid. But the name “Elf Bar” is how a lot of retailers refer to the devices as a whole.
If you have an Elf Bar branded disposable device, there’s a chance that it may not be rechargeable.
The most popular Elf Bar disposables, like the BC5000, are rechargeable. That said, there are actually more non-rechargeable disposable Elf Bars than there are rechargeable ones. Here are two lists of all Elf Bar disposable products and which are rechargeable. Also included is the mAh (milliamp hours) of the battery, which indicates run times as well as charge times (larger mAh basically means longer battery power).
Below is a table you can save for convenience’s sake.
The charge time varies per Elf Bar model. The general rule of thumb is 30-90 minutes, depending on the Elf Bar’s mAh rating and how depleted it is. The lowest mAh is in the shortest charge time, and the highest is in the longest. The average time for charging 650 mAh is approximately an hour.
The Elf Bar disposable will blink its indicator light when it needs to be charged, but if you charge before the indicator light blinks, it will obviously take less time than waiting until the battery is totally drained.
As with most modern electronic devices, Elf Bars charge through USB-C ports. USB-C charge cables are different than traditional micro-USB cables in that the plug is symmetrical and oval-shaped. Micro-USB cables have an asymmetrical shape with one flat side, which always seems to get inserted upside down on the first try. USB-C cables go in on the first try.
With all Elf Bar rechargeable disposables, there’ll be a visible USB-C port, most often on the bottom of the device—not to be confused with an airflow hole.
The Elf Bar disposables don’t come with a charging cable, though. By now, most people have USB-C charge cables around. If not, you can pick one up from any store that sells electronics, even gas stations and drug stores.
As stated, charge the Elf Bar as you would any other small electronic device. All vapes, Elf Bars notwithstanding, are powered by lithium-ion batteries. Practice the same care as you usually do when handling small electronic devices with batteries and their respective power sources.
Great read, but what about measures to take for maximum usage/minimum burn? Like waiting 5-10 minutes after unplugging it to take a hit. Those type of tips and info would be helpful. We all want to get the most out of our money and we all hate that disgusting horrible burn taste
I hear you, Henry. I’m constantly trying to figure out what information can best help you. As for the period to wait after a charge: the battery will be as full as it was when you unplugged it (give or take a nominal drop). It wouldn’t deplete on its own, at least in an impactful way, for quite some time. So in other words, waiting for the battery to settle down after charging it won’t actually do anything. I recommend just charging it short of all the way full.
I thought Henry asked was it necessary to wait 5-10 minutes after charging it before taking a puff??
From my understanding, he was asking about ways to mitigate the overcharged/burnt taste of the vape after charging it by waiting 5-10 minutes, in which case I told him that waiting for that amount of time doesn’t deplete the battery. The battery will be just as charged as it was when you took it off the charger, minus a nominal drop. The best way to avoid that is taste is to not charge the device fully, which would put it at about 4.2 volts. Since times vary depending on when the device gets charged, I’d recommend charging it 10 minutes… Read more »
There R other factors to consider if your Elf bar is tasting burnt. While overcharging it can be a factor, it’s important to also realize that the vape fluid eventually will start to run out & when this happens the atomizer can easily start to burn the cottony thing inside your vape. One this happens, it can be pretty hard to undo (its better to prevent this than to have to learn how to take ur vape apart + perform surgery on it).
Why am I getting a burnt taste from my BC5000 ELFBAR… the indicator light comes on when I hit it but it don’t blink??
I vape elfbar bc5000 ultra and without fail when I finish the 4th charge it is burnt out. I usually undercharge it a bit. It tastes fine before the 4th charge, but after it’s got that burnt tast. Could that be from using a fast charger? So, what watt or Amp or volt charger should I be looking for. Also, do I look for a slower charging cord or slower wall plug or both? This is so confusing, please help.
Are you sure it’s not just getting low by the fourth charge? A burned taste is most likely caused by a dry wick (from and empty device). That said, it’s safe to use standard chargers like cell phone chargers that put out 0.5 to 2 amps.
What does it mean when you unplug the changer and your elf bar vape blinks red
So i just recently quit smoking cigarettes and needed something to help me come down calmly and im just wondering how many full charges should I be able to get before its empty ?

5500 Puffs Disposable Vape The liquid will run out long before the device stops taking charges. Lithium ion batteries typically will accept the equivalent of about 500 full charges.